
By Bazio Doreen.
On average, Uganda annually produces 23,000 tons of soya beans according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics census on agriculture. This is partly because over the years many farmers have abandoned their enterprises to start growing soya beans. With provision of seed capital from the Development Response to Displacement Impact (DRDIP) through Endrebamvuku East Village Revolving Fund, Mid Esia Watershed; Amanzo Self Help group is now able to yield more from soya beans. The group is found in Oyuwi Village, Adropi Sub County.
Bara John, 30, the secretary of Amanzo Self Group, is one such beneficiary who has been able to start both a goats rearing farm and mobile money business. John got a loan from the group and serviced it with an interest of 3% within 6 months.
“I felt that as a youth, I needed to set up something for myself. I did survey here at our trading centre and figured out that mobile money business was lacking. I got a loan of Ugx 1,000,000/= from the group as capital.” John explains.
John also says that the group which started in 2019, set a by-law that the profits got from soya beans harvest should be used to purchase goats for each of the 30 beneficiaries.
The group has 26 females and 04 males.
“We agreed to buy 3 goats for each beneficiary as a source of income to support them as they wait for the soya beans to yield.” John says.
Indeed members have been able to save more than before during their weekly Thursday meetings. Previously, the group used to save Ugx 2,500/= (social fund = 500/=, saving 2,000/=) but now each member at least saves up to Ugx 6,000/= (social fund=1,000/= and saving 5,000/=). The group also has other sources of income from members who defy by laws or those who come late for meetings.
John now believes that soya beans growing could help reduce the rate of unemployment in Adjumani District if his peers embraced it.
“When I look at what I have achieved in a short time, I think DRDIP should organize for sensitization campaigns where beneficiaries share their success stories so that the youth can adopt those that they find desirable.” John observes.
However, the group still faces challenges with their soya beans enterprise. The main challenges are accessing market and the low price of soya beans at Ugx 1,400/=.
DRDIP is a Government Project under the Office of the Prime Minister that provides development and direct income support to vulnerable nationals and refugees within refugee hosting districts in Uganda. The Development Objective of DRDIP is to improve access to basic social services, expand economic opportunities and enhance environmental management in refugee hosting districts.