Located on the southern bank of the White Nile, Adjumani District is located in the north-western region of Uganda, between latitudes 31o 24” and 32o 4” east of Greenwich line; and longitudes 2o 53” and 3o 37” north of the Equator. The District is bordered by Moyo District to the north, South Sudan to the NorthEast, Amuru District to the East and South, Arua District to the South West and Yumbe District to the North West. As of 2019, the population of the refugees the district is estimated to be is more than that of nationals. The district hosts about 241, 098 refugees while nationals are about 234, 300. Adjumani District originally known as East Moyo was created on May 17th, 1997 after Moyo was split into two. The district emerged the best among other local governments in 2019 in a national assessment on service delivery in Education, Water and Health in the FY 2018/2019. However, the Health Department had previously and consistently emerged the best overall, nationally, as well in the FY 2017/2018 and 2018/2019. Just like most districts, Agriculture is the backbone of the district. Main crops grown include; Maize, Beans, Osobi, Simsim, Groundnuts, Millet, Mangoes, Cassava and Tobacco.