


By Bazio Doreen.

A new 5 year (2022 – 2027) project funded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and implemented by the Legal Aid Service Providers Network (LASPNET) is expected to strengthen the Criminal Justice System and the ability to respond to organized crime and related threats in Adjumani. It however focuses on extremist violent crimes and abuse of drugs. This is key because only 80% of Ugandans can afford a lawyer and only 10% have access to the services of a lawyer. All this amidst the absence and pending approval of the National Legal Aid Law.

While launching the project on 24th July 2024 in the new district council hall, LASPNET CEO, Dr. Sylvia Namubiru Mukasa, said that they recognize the role played by the local government and commended the district leadership for demonstrating readiness and commitment to achieve the project objectives. She also explained that while they submitted a budget to UNODC timely in August 2023, funds were only sent in June 2024.

While responding to the comment, the District Chairperson, Hon. Anyama Ben, observed that the intervention is timely as the district continues to grapple with dwindling funds to support both refugees and their host communities. He also observed that most of the support towards justice processes is mainly funded/implemented by NGOs and commended them for their efforts.

On his part, the PACAO, Mr. Edema Richard thanked LASPNET for choosing Adjumani to be one of the 20 districts where the UNODC project will be implemented. He also appreciated LASPENT for donating 3 bicycles to support those who will be involved in the implementation of the project.

Established in 2004, LASPNET is a national member-based non-governmental organization that has 56 LASPs spread across 80 districts countrywide. LASPNET also has a wide network of members and partners that include: Uganda Law Society, Law Development Centre, Justice Defenders, and Hague Institute for Innovation of Law and Justice Centre Uganda.

The project outcomes include: strengthening mechanisms for court administration and case management; increasing access to quality legal aid services for the vulnerable; promoting alternatives to imprisonment; crime prevention among the youth; and protecting the economy of Uganda from illicit financial flows and money laundering.